Hebei Brother Hao Plastics products Co.,Ltd.
Address:Department StoreSection,Jinbao Road,SouthSide,Dacheng County, Langfang City,Hebei Province,China.
Post Code: 065900
Tel:+86 316 5523000
Fax:+86 316 5522788
1、it can create a good environment: soft curtain allows easy opening and closing of the door, can play heat, dust, insects and even sound and other effects. Soft curtain of high transparency, prevents collisions and other accidents occur, to protect the personal safety.
2、you can achieve more functional compartment: enables factory or warehouse simplified, rapid multi-function compartments, and its use is not limited to the door width, space, can make the most effective allocation of existing space.
3、Energy savings: soft curtain opened and closed very quickly, open only a small range, air-conditioning heating loss is extremely small, can reduce the loss of electricity and other energy.
4、durable, economical high: soft curtain installation and removal is very simple, low cost and ongoing maintenance costs